[UPD] Super Smash Bros
By: ItsDannyBruh
NEW UPDATE - REVAMPED CRITICAL ATTACKS, BUFFED MR_GHOST, FLAMETHROWER FOR MR_GHOST, ITEM DROPS, PERFORMANCE FIXES, BUG FIXES, AND MORE Super Smash Bros CHROME EDITION A project started in 2023, released in December 2023, and now continued in 2024. It will continue to have WEEKLY updates every Wednesday. Full credit to Nintendo and Sega, and Code.org for the mr_ghost sprites. This will now be harder because it is a solo project as MrGhostGames quit the project as we got onto bad terms. I will still leave his character in the game, but expect him to not interact with this game ever again. Most importantly, have **FUN!**
#fighting, #ssb, #fun, #game, #nintendo
Score: 3 Views: 603 Platform: cdo Featured: false