🎄 adventure playground
By: dude
**welcome to adventure playground!** **UPDATE 4 IS HERE! The Christmas Event PART 2!!!!!! this update adds a LOT, so get ready! first off, there is a new CHARACTER!!!! the long awaited Marcy is FINALLY HERE!!!! due to Marcy being weak in the show, she has 50 HP. but, she STABS the ants with her FANGS, which does a LOT OF DAMAGE!!!!!!!!!! also, there is 3 NEW BOSSES! there is the Winter Dude, the Ghost of Christmastime, and the hardest boss in the game, Santa the Human. a wrecked version of the real santa. santa the human spawns on level 100, ghost of christmastime on level 75, mighty winterboss ant on level 50, and winter dude on level 25. by defeating Santa you get the mythical Santa Sword. santa is hard to beat, so good luck! there is also the CHRISTMAS TREE! unlock 8 ornaments to put on the tree by defeating all bosses, 2 ornaments per boss beaten! by unlocking all 8 ornaments, you get a reward of a Christmas Charm! this charm gives you a 5x damage boost, 2x speed, and 50% more hp. enjoy this MASSIVE update! 10 likes and we will do a part 3!** **__play as finn and jake in each level and fight the ants!__** **__some ants drop weapons, collect them by pressing SPACE while standing on them!__** **__press Z to attack, and it is ARROW KEY controls.__** **__weekly character rotation every Monday! there is finn, Jake, marcy, and more soon.__** **__credits:__** **@dude - lead developer of game** **@bob - game artist and playtester** **@Robo - production manager** **@MyUsernameIsHere - community manager** **thanks for playing! there will be updates daily.**
#adventure, #rpg, #fun
Score: 6 Views: 1172 Platform: cdo Featured: false